EXRIMA stands for Experimental Research in Management Accounting. Founded in 2012, EXRIMA is a joint initiative of Thorsten Knauer (University of Bochum), Friedrich Sommer (University of Bayreuth), and Arnt Wöhrmann (Giessen University). The initiative is generously supported by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
EXRIMA’s objective is to enhance the collaborative research output in management accounting using experimental methods. Therefore, EXRIMA pursues three main goals:
- strengthening doctoral education in experimental research in management accounting,
- providing a platform to discuss management accounting research using experimental methods (laboratory, case-based, field etc.), and
- building national and international networks.
EXRIMA started its summer school series in 2012. Since then, internationally renowned researchers in experimental management accounting have been invited as faculty. Since 2018 the EXRIMA conference serves as a platform to present and discuss innovative high-quality research projects in experimental management accounting.